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Grand National 2012
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Author:  anubisrich [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

It's a myth, an old wives tale, that a 2 1/2 mile horse wins the National in recent years (you know, the relevant ones since all the changes to the course, sport etc.). The facts and trends speak for themselves which is why it is now a condition of entry.

Author:  Weeble [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

A sad day of death yesterday. :(

Sychronised and According to Pete die in the Grand National.
My girlfriend talks me into watching Titanic 3D at the cinema, one hundred years to the day since the disaster. Found the end scenes where people were frozen to death in the water particularly chilling and it's especially poignant for me having been born in Stoke-on-Trent.
Then I learn today of Piermario Morosini who was not as lucky as Fabrice Muamba.

Events like this put a lot of other things into perspective.

Author:  Ubar02 [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

I just want to say I think you are being very harsh on mclernon. He gave sunny hill boy a good ride and you are not giving him credit for that. You are talking through your pocket which is why you're so bitter against him.

Author:  craigbelluk [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

Sad to see that two horses died in the national.

My selections shakalakaboomboom ran a cracker and neptune collonges did well to win roll on tuesday for ALLTHEKINGHORSES.

Author:  anubisrich [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

Ubar02 wrote:
I just want to say I think you are being very harsh on mclernon. He gave sunny hill boy a good ride and you are not giving him credit for that. You are talking through your pocket which is why you're so bitter against him.

I very rarely bash jockeys but in this instance his conduct was unacceptable, horse got him into the race and the least he deserved was a jockey telling him where the finish line was.

I still won on the place bet and actually the financial side of things, now I've slept on it, I couldn't care less about but it should be Sunnyhillboy's name in lights, retired to a hero's welcome. I think if you asked McLernon he'd agree with me.

Author:  cotch [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

I know horses die in racing all year round, but in the national it is every year that horses die and it's not a single fatality. I know it's massive in tradition and history. But i can't help but think the race needs to be gone. I am a firm believer that horses are treated well and that they genuinely love racing, but the national is such a big ask and such a fatal run for many horses that it's quite cruel.. I love the hype and the way everyone gets behind it, i never miss it, but surely there's a way to change it from being so fatal? whether it be less runners or smaller jumps over such a gruelling distance

Author:  HurricaneRun [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

It did not have a chance!! Like Rich said it went out like a light and I wish I had betfair to lay it before and throughout the race. Katie was knackered as well

Whoever asked about scientific fact - do you really believe that after 4 miles of that, Katie Walsh could drive a horse to the line as strongly as a male jockey?? If you do, you are wrong. It is not sexist to say this my friend so dont feel like you have to dispute it - it is the same with any sport, swimming, running, tennis, etc. It is the physical specimen of the two species which varies so much.

What I will admit is that Seabass may have ended up on the deck with a male jockey on and Katie gave him a great ride!! but there was NO CHANCE that horse was going to battle to the line in front of the other horses with the boys on

Author:  DocHay [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

I agree with what your saying Cotch, but i dont think they should alter the course, either scrap it or leave it, if they start changing it too much for safety then its not the National. I wouldnt particularly miss it but im a flat man and I know a lot of jumps fans love it.

Sunnyhillboy was a non stayer! Odds on up the run in, emptied in the last 50 yards...non stayer!

Author:  anubisrich [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

:lol: he could have gone round again!

I agree with you cotch, they either have to make the fences harder thus slowing the horses down significantly or just make it a long chase. Problem is, with fewer fallers can you imagine the carnage?

Author:  Ubar02 [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

DocHay wrote:
I agree with what your saying Cotch, but i dont think they should alter the course, either scrap it or leave it, if they start changing it too much for safety then its not the National. I wouldnt particularly miss it but im a flat man and I know a lot of jumps fans love it.

Sunnyhillboy was a non stayer! Odds on up the run in, emptied in the last 50 yards...non stayer!

Exactly. If they change the distance, the fences, number of runners or the quality of horses allowed to run in it then it won't be the national. All these factors combine to make it the most watched race in the world, with a way bigger worldwide audience than the Melbourne cup or Epsom derby or Kentucky derby, and possibly a bigger audience than all of them combined. Obviously they are all great races in themselves, but none of them can get anywhere near the national. If it was a long distance chase it would just be like the Scottish Irish or welsh national. The national is unique and to change it would ruin it. It is supposed to be the ultimate test. That is why so many horses fall. If you heard Richard dunwoody, he said he feared for the race, what he meant was the animal cruelty societies were controlling it and it could become too easy and it would lose its iconic status. Also, lots of horses fall every year but there aren't fatalities every year, it was just unfortunate that this year it was those particular horses and it was the year after the changes. After all, if we want to make it easy for the horses and as safe as possible, why don't we have a 10 runner 2 mile national hunt flat race, I think that would really sort the great horses from the rest of them.

Author:  Ubar02 [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

After all accidents can happen anywhere. Gottanyos broke down on the flat. Rewinding broke down on the flat. Fox hunt broke down on the flat. Echo of light a Darley stallion was killed in a paddock accident. Horses are killed in show jumping every year, yet the RSPCA never kick up a fuss about that. It seems you hear more about the 'appaling' conditions racehorses have to put up with, getting the 5 star treatment, than you do about ex-riding horses rotting away on their own in a field. More horses are poorly treated in other walks of life than in racing, this is what they should focus on.

Author:  GS63 [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

All true horse racing fans agree with you Ubar. You're preaching to the converted on here mate!

Author:  Kevcon [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

Ubar02 wrote:
After all accidents can happen anywhere. Gottanyos broke down on the flat. Rewinding broke down on the flat. Fox hunt broke down on the flat. Echo of light a Farley stallion was killed in a paddock accident. Horses are killed in show jumping every year, yet the RSPCA never kick up a fuss about that. It seems you hear more about the 'appaling' conditions racehorses have to put up with, getting the 5 star treatment, than you do about ex-riding horses rotting away on their own in a field. More horses are poorly treated in other walks of life than in racing, this is what they should focus on.

The link below is a news story from the local rag regarding advice given by the RSPCA to allotment holders who found equine animals on one of the plots.

Author:  Bill Seiko [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

All the RSPCA want is publicity and prosecutions they are not really interested in animal welfare, the case Kevcon illustratedis a typical example.
The national is a world wide event so more publicity for them.
As for the National, I think making the fences easier leads to going faster which causes more accidents.


Author:  Ubar02 [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grand National 2012

I expect they call themselves a non profit organisation. That is probably because the money left over, no doubt a fair amount goes straight into the pockets of the chief executives. If they kick up a fuss about the national, they'll get more money, so more money for the bosses. As for the case above, if someone else is looking after them out of their own pocket, why offer any help? More money for the bosses!

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