Strategic Designs Ltd., forums

Stock schedule gripe, again.
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Author:  Long Haul Harry [ Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stock schedule gripe, again.

Some good things you have posted there Hechicera - much food for thought. I think I will have to tinker a bit more with rest periods in training. I have maybe become a little lazy. I have had a really good improvement in results doing it my way but will experiment a bit to see if I can achieve even more.

I agree marklater - there are not enough tactic/method type discussions at the moment from players with a few hours under their belts. Perhaps neves_rats is right and people give the game up early on out of frustration. Understandably there seems to be more togetherness with League players. I think there is a thread where they review their last week of results, unexpected wins, disappointments etc. Non league players are unlikely to do the same - it all feels a little churlish. But everyone playing SO7 can pick up little tips and pointers from such posts. And in non league, you are doing yourself no harm sharing experiences as it doesn't impact on your own results. Maybe a 'My Current Save' thread might catch on and get regular additions. Perhaps there is one and I just haven't seen it/used it ? Or perhaps people just want to play the game, not talk about it.

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