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G1 Winning 2yo Not Winning as 3yo/4yo?
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Author:  twilightramblings [ Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  G1 Winning 2yo Not Winning as 3yo/4yo?

I've got one of those "what's going on with this horse?" questions to share. I'll preface this by saying I haven't played this game since June, so any AI changes since then aren't in effect.

I've got this awesome little colt, I bought him for $800,000 and he turned around and made over $2mil in his first season, with multiple G1 wins. Then he turns 3yo and all of a sudden I can barely get a win out of him. Even in a G3 Handicap.

He's got high potential and it's been raising as he aged, it went up when he turned 3 and then up again when he turned 4. I got so frustrated at his poor performance that I put him in the stud barn for some of his 3yo season and the yearlings he turned out have high potential as well.

Is this just a maturity peak thing or do you think it would be worth bringing him back into the barn?


Author:  Hechicera [ Tue Oct 08, 2019 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: G1 Winning 2yo Not Winning as 3yo/4yo?

Seen it a bit, and in one game I've been tracking the lines. They seem to be ones that mature at 2 (look in Legend editor "improvementMature" stat). It can be passed on.

The colt you have has nice potential but the other bars are meh. So once the horses with the better bars mature, they beat these guys.

Now when you get one with the monster stats and mature early ....

Author:  twilightramblings [ Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: G1 Winning 2yo Not Winning as 3yo/4yo?

That's a good point about other horse's with better stats maturing, I didn't think of that. He's produced like three good yearlings, and thanks to crossing him with mares who are strong in areas he's not, he's produced one nice colt, for the level of offspring I'm getting at the moment. As long as his potential develops, he might be pretty good.


This is the best stallion and filly I've bred so far. The filly won the Melbourne Cup as a 3yo. I can't find her race history in my screenshots but I think they have the same sire.



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