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Questions before buying the game
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Author:  Palk [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Questions before buying the game

Well i'm a new addicted to horse racing and also to this game but i have a few questions that i want to be answered before buying the game, please.

1 - Developers are think already on SO5?
2 - If question 1 is yes, too many new features on SO5?
3 - If i buy the game how many time i need to wait before having the key? Example if i buy today i get the key today?
4 - If i buy the game and i don't have the key in less than 1 week can i have back my money?
5 - How many times can i install and uninstall the game to don't get key blocked and ask another? if there's a key block
6 - The SO4 is going to be stable with minimum or without bugs? Or if you are thinking already on SO5 you will let SO4 with bugs?
7 - I never played SO3 full version but there's lot of bugs on there?
8 - How is the jockey mode? isn't on demo so i don't know... is it fun? or you play with AI jockey?

Please if you could answer this question answer fast and fair as possible because i wanna play the full today :P

PS: Sorry about my bad english somewhere :P

Author:  exxplozion [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

7) SO3 as far as I know is bug free.

Author:  Niflhel [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

1 ) I would say they might be thinking about it but thats all it is they have more than enough to do with SO4 so there hands are fairly well tied to that presently.

2 ) -

3 ) You would get key the same day you buy the game and from my experience within 30mins of the purchase.

4 ) I cant possibly imagine you not getting the same day let alone waiting a week and not getting it.

5 ) why would you want to uninstall and reinstall so many times anyway ??? Would you be looking to rip the game off for mates and such thats the only reason i can see why you would be interested in the answer to this.

6) SO4 currently has a few issues like most games of this type that are released on P.C but it will be sorted and made as bug free as possible over time with patches the same as SO3 was.

7 ) I think its pretty much bug free to be honest.

8 ) Cant answer this as i like to train and prep the horses i dont want to be a jockey from my opinion the jockey content is pretty pointless and when i have done it it just dont feel right and i dont like the controls but just my opinion.

Author:  Palk [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

About question 5, is just in case i have problems with my PC and yes if i want to install it on another PC....i'm just a 'crazy' with games sometimes i'm getting bored of the game and need space on hard drive and i could uninstall it.

But if there isn't a limit for reinstall this questions is pointless or if there's a limit if is more than 3-5 is enough ;) for security purpose to don't keep asking developers for keys

Author:  ryan jenko [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Palk wrote:
About question 5, is just in case i have problems with my PC and yes if i want to install it on another PC....i'm just a 'crazy' with games sometimes i'm getting bored of the game and need space on hard drive and i could uninstall it.

But if there isn't a limit for reinstall this questions is pointless or if there's a limit if is more than 3-5 is enough ;) for security purpose to don't keep asking developers for keys

i installed so3 on loads of computers lol i installed it on my own, and 5 of my reltives and nothing happened so i should imagine that its the same with so4

Author:  Palk [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

By the way just one more question also pointless just curiosity it's possible to add more races that they have on start? i mean i can pick UK, USA, AUS if i'm not wrong that's what? the season country?

and other can i had more silks that that 10? or i just can edit the others?

Well this are also point the main questions were on my 1st post

Author:  Harris Tweed [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

ryan jenko wrote:
Palk wrote:
About question 5, is just in case i have problems with my PC and yes if i want to install it on another PC....i'm just a 'crazy' with games sometimes i'm getting bored of the game and need space on hard drive and i could uninstall it.

But if there isn't a limit for reinstall this questions is pointless or if there's a limit if is more than 3-5 is enough ;) for security purpose to don't keep asking developers for keys

i installed so3 on loads of computers lol i installed it on my own, and 5 of my reltives and nothing happened so i should imagine that its the same with so4

Do your relatives play the game?

Author:  exxplozion [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like you are wanting to make copies of the game with the same key and sell them onto friends and family, and I repeat the word SELL, again this is my opinion and we all have one. I guess you have one regarding my opinions.

Author:  Palk [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

exxplozion that was for me? i think so
Well that isn't true :wink: i respect your opinion but i'm just saying this because i already had experience with other games and i needed to ask for more keys and it takes too long.... well i hope it's unecessary to it with this...

Author:  exxplozion [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

For more keys you need to but the game more times.

Author:  mikeeboy [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

ryan jenko wrote:
i installed so3 on loads of computers lol i installed it on my own, and 5 of my reltives and nothing happened so i should imagine that its the same with so4

On the surface, this sounds a bit naughty :evil:

Author:  Palk [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well seems the only problem is the key don't know

BUt i will buy the game ;) by the way...i never worked with paypal i receive a purchase proof in my e-mail? this is the last question :P

Author:  mikeeboy [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Palk wrote:
Well seems the only problem is the key don't know

BUt i will buy the game ;) by the way...i never worked with paypal i receive a purchase proof in my e-mail? this is the last question :P

You'll get an email from Paypal.

Author:  Palk [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks a lot for all
I will buy the game tonight :D and win some NH

Author:  pjrhodes1970 [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

that’s out of order passing copies to non buyers its disgraceful you should be thrown out its not as though mark makes a fortune from the game 1 copy per person per purchase and not rip off the starters orders community who appreciate what mark does


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