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Which names do you give your horses?
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Author:  morton55 [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Which names do you give your horses?

In this game, you give your home-bred horses names, and this opportunity has to be carefully considered.

Some might just give the horses a number, others just don’t bother and let all the horses remain unnamed, others again call the horses the names of their friends or relatives or in some rare cases even the name of their wife! That’s soooo lame! Nobody gives the horse the name of their mother in law. That’s just too sick!

I put quite much effort into giving my horses as cool names as possible, and these names can be divided into various categories.

First the cool names in general category.
This first name I first saw as a title of a famous painting by Salvador Dali: Desoxyribonucleicacid, or you can just say DNA, but that is not so cool.
The next one means “It is what it is” in Nowegian: Deterdetdeter.
It is, as in English, five words put together but looks cooler. Show this to a Norwegian and he will first not recognize it, but then ha will say: Aha! Det er det det er!

Latin names of various body parts are extremely cool:
Corpora Spongiosa – You will probably call me a naughty boy if you discover what this is… A potent name!
Mons Pubis – This is ok, except that I call my cat that, and you should never call a horse with a cat name. Mons means mountain, and I really love to climb this mountain, again and again! :D
Other latin names from human anatomy: Corpus Callosum, Metacarpus, Arteria Mesenterica, Sternocleidomastoideus, Pars Petrosa, Fractura Costae, Zygomaticus, Oculomotorius.
You can also have short, distinctive names if you like that: Pons, Glans, Cor, Ren, Lien, Radius, Femur, Sacrum, Sternum.

Next cathegory is historical persons. You can try Caesar or Napoleon, but those names are typical cat names, and a horse would lose every race on purpose in protest of being called that!
No, we can do better than that! What about Boudica, Octavian, Vespasianus, Garibaldi, Vercingetorix, General Patton and Montgomery. To be honest, I am a little in doubt about the last two. The sound of them are very catlike.
The coolest historical name by far is JOHN FASTOLF! He was an English general in the 100 year war against France, and he fought against Jeanne D’Arc among others. This name, however, requires some very solid planning and preparation, because this horse really has to be FAST! If not, the name is just going to be a massive embarrassment!
So this name is only to be given to the foal of your two best horses with the longest and most successful bloodlines!
Other cool names from the same conflict: Jeanne D’Arc is mentioned, but you also have Le Bastard d’Orleans! He actually insisted on being called this all his life, and after being held prisoner by the English for several years, he was at last on the winning side. – And a very nice horse name it is!

This was just a small sample of the horses I have in my SO4 stable.
What do you think about these names? Do you have some cool names? Or maybe some lame names that only can be put on a cat?
:D :D

Author:  mwesty1 [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

LAME??? How can you tell this as PADDYTHEPLASTERER could of been named by a women naming her husband and his job and many horse names are called by there husbands or wifes name.....CAREFULLY CONSIDERED I have roughly 15-20 2yo every year and im on season 23 so if you want me to carefully consider all them names your havin a jingle. I got mad names from LINGFIELD as l was watching a race at the time too COP FOR THIS as just as l was doing this l farted in front of the misses and thats what sprung to mind. I feel as these are my horses can name them as l like in fact just doing this l have some 2yo coming through so just for you pal MORTON LE BORE and YAWN YAWN will be my next ones so fingers crossed they are good and end up in league :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  killamonjaro [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:59 am ]
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Depending on what i'm doing if i'm listening to music i'll call the horse the name of the song or a lyric from the song, generally though i'll check days meetings and pinch real horses names, much easier and quicker for me.

Author:  exxplozion [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I use groups and solo artists and songs from the 60's, 70's, 80's and some 90's (not many) and also I use computer games from various formats. One of my greatest horses in SO3 is called "Big Mutha Trucker" she is the greatest miler that I have ever seen, and her full brother "Photograph Of You" (from the 80's group A Flock Of Seagulls) is not in her league unfortunately.

Author:  JC Night [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:16 am ]
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I'm like exxplozion a bit with names to the music, although it's classical music here, seeing that I tinkle with the piano a bit, if it's fillies, I use names like "Fur Elise, Ave Maria" and for colts, names starting with "Thor, Paleface, Chief, and so on.

Author:  dragontrainer [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:55 pm ]
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I use names like Tiddles, Felix and Thomas the Conqueror. :P

Author:  SuperCat [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:29 pm ]
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Mons Pubis – This is ok, except that I call my cat that, and you should never call a horse with a cat name. Mons means mountain, and I really love to climb this mountain, again and again!

That's quite sick... :?

I combine the names of the parents or call them after famous monuments, trees, leaves, grasses, any kind of plant really, random things I hear on the tv. The really good ones or the ones that come from horses I loved when they were in training I name after my pets. Luckily my pets have cool names too! :lol:

Author:  pjrhodes1970 [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:38 pm ]
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i use the fathers name with a new name

Author:  Harris Tweed [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:17 pm ]
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I name them anything I like. I like alot of the names mentioned above. The norweigian one though. Ermm.... Sucks! :lol:

Octavian would have to be my fave of the ones mentioned above.

Author:  LukeWilson [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:23 am ]
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I also take great pride in my horses names.

Author:  Teejay1993 [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:38 am ]
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I name them the first thing that comes to my head but im about to starting thinking good names as they become my league horses except now ive played 1 season in the last 3 weeks :(

Author:  colmodea [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:14 pm ]
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I buy a copy of the racing post and go from cover to cover.

Author:  scobieb [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:09 am ]
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I usually do song titles so I pick a famous album and name them after the songs

Author:  northwest [ Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:54 am ]
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exxplozion wrote:
I use groups and solo artists and songs from the 60's, 70's, 80's and some 90's (not many) and also I use computer games from various formats. One of my greatest horses in SO3 is called "Big Mutha Trucker" she is the greatest miler that I have ever seen, and her full brother "Photograph Of You" (from the 80's group A Flock Of Seagulls) is not in her league unfortunately.

in starters orders 2 i used a similar naming of 2 year olds as you,mine were songs by heavy metal bands,altough with certain bands like Black Sabbath for example, after about 20 seasons i found i was running out of songs as i was breeding far too many thoroughbreds a season..........

Author:  woodie [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:27 pm ]
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I used to name them after real horses also I usually watching tv so anything I hear I just type it as the name.
But given up now as it's kinda boring to do it season after season when you got like 20 new 2 year old to name

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