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Author:  simpleminds [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  UK COURSES

I am now going to try and do the courses that have been redirected to be run at other course these courses are the jump courses below I still intend to do HEREFORD as I believe this course will come back in the future and its one of my favourite courses the list below are the courses in the uk which don't have their own Map I am going to try the hills etc so might take me a few weeks to get used to the points etc.

PLUMPTON is First has its already got a map but its flat so I can practice with the hill.

Author:  simpleminds [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES


Last Fence
Far side Final Flight
First Fence Far side Downhill
Bottom of Hill Home Straght
View From Top Looking Down The Track


Author:  robsonaa [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Keep up the good work Gray.

Author:  bobsworth13 [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Great work simples.

How do you get those slopes on the course?

Author:  simpleminds [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

bobsworth13 wrote:
Great work simples.

How do you get those slopes on the course?

Using Points Bob in the Terrain Tab have to use the points to get the layout of the track Question for you bob I see on your Sandown Map you got the pond wit actual water how did you do that when I use paint its just PAINT lol.


Author:  bobsworth13 [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Is there a way to manipulate the hill that you get through the Points mode? That would be very useful so I can create the uphill finish realistically for Sandown.

For actual water, go to Entities, then select Track. Scroll down and you will see a blue square. That is your water. On the map, make a hollow and then paste the water into the hollow. It will paste on as a square blue sheet You can expand it or contract it using the 'u', 'i', 'j' and 'k' keys or rotate it with 'r' and 't'. If you raise it or lower it like you would for the stands camera, the contours of the hollow (if its round) should make the square sheet appear round also. However, in recent patches, I notice that water no longer shows up as it should during a race. Noticed at Kempton, you see the hollow with just the blue sheet.

Author:  admin_ [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Good work. One quick thing you can do looking at those screenshots is to scale the terrain textures you have use to give more detail. I have been meaning to mention this. Right now they look a bit low res and blurry. It's a combination of keys and mouse wheel so unless you are aware you will miss it.

Open the editor and load the racecourse. Move around and look at the part of the course containing the terrain texture you are scaling. Press F2 to lock (so moving the mouse around does not move the view).


Select the texture on the right so it has a RED rectangle surround.

A yellow box with green surround and a down-right pointing arrow will be above-right of the texture. Move the mouse pointer over that box.

Now HOLD the left mouse button down while holding L-SHIFT on the keyboard and and the same time scroll the mouse wheel down! Keep scrolling down and the detail of the textures will increase.

Try it on the car park and/or path first. Really you should do it for all terrain textures.

Shaping the terrain is very difficult. The options could do with improving but don't hold your breath.

Then there are the allign points that get the course route close to the rails but it's buggy and difficult to use so I'll leave that for another time.

Author:  simpleminds [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Mark wrote:
Good work. One quick thing you can do looking at those screenshots is to scale the terrain textures you have use to give more detail. I have been meaning to mention this. Right now they look a bit low res and blurry. It's a combination of keys and mouse wheel so unless you are aware you will miss it.

Open the editor and load the racecourse. Move around and look at the part of the course containing the terrain texture you are scaling. Press F2 to lock (so moving the mouse around does not move the view).


Select the texture on the right so it has a RED rectangle surround.

A yellow box with green surround and a down-right pointing arrow will be above-right of the texture. Move the mouse pointer over that box.

Now HOLD the left mouse button down while holding L-SHIFT on the keyboard and and the same time scroll the mouse wheel down! Keep scrolling down and the detail of the textures will increase.

Try it on the car park and/or path first. Really you should do it for all terrain textures.

Shaping the terrain is very difficult. The options could do with improving but don't hold your breath.

Then there are the allign points that get the course route close to the rails but it's buggy and difficult to use so I'll leave that for another time.

Thank you Mark that's great to find out always wondered why my builds didn't quite look right lol about Allign points for the course route I have left them alone has these seem to make the horses when racing hit the align point do a quick shake.


Author:  simpleminds [ Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES


View From Far side to the Stand on the hill


Fence Past The Stand Near the top of The Incline


Back Straight just before the start Of Incline


Bottom Of Hill On The side From The Stands


Jockey View Hurdle Track Straight



Author:  robsonaa [ Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Brilliant work Gray. Mark, is there any chance you could include Gray's work in the game, when completed?

Author:  admin_ [ Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

I have been meaning to look through user created racecourses again with a view to adding any that are suitable. These will be particularly useful because they are courses I intended to do at some point when I had free time.

Let me know when they are finished Gray. I may have to tweak stuff here and there and add allignments etc.

PS. Don't forget to build the lighting when you finish. It looks nicer (shadows on rails and fences etc.).

Also when you put fences down a good tip is to put all the fences down for the same type of fence at once. This is because you can then scale and resize the fence to the correct proportions and then place it. After that if you then place the same fence it will retain the scaling settings of the first one so all fences are then the same size. When you choose a different fence the scaling data is lost.

Author:  robsonaa [ Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES


Author:  robsonaa [ Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Mark, just one more question. Would it be possible to have the ambulances following the horses around rather than sitting at the side doing nothing?

Author:  simpleminds [ Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Will be a week or two at most Mark Currently Working on Exeter




Author:  mjtags11 [ Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UK COURSES

Great work, Gray! You've got it down really well how to use the editor. Nice job on these courses! Courses are tough to make and take a long time to make and a lot of time to get to look realistic. Great job! Keep up the good work!

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