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CK v League
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Author:  ste1975 [ Sun May 09, 2010 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  CK v League

I am sorry to have to post this but I felt it necessary.

I here all the talk that the CK is everything when deciding what horses will be competitive in the league. If that is so then why am I seeing such inconsistencies.

1) CK horse distances are not reflected in league races. I am new to this but all my horses so far in league races don't stay the trip? IMO if a horses consistently runs 7f in the CK then it shouldn't be hitting a brick wall at 6f in a league race. I have tested my horses thoroughly in the CK on all different courses and goings. I can accept the odd bad run but this appears far different than the CK marker we are told to use.

2) I have one horse in the CK that runs 5f between 53.5 > 58.5 secs depending on going / course but in the league appears to have 3 legs and always ambles in near the back of the field in approx 1 min. How can anybody explain that one?

3) Finally I picked up a win with a horse called "Solar Light" in a week 7 handicap. This horse in the CK always needed 7f but when first raced in the league the trip was too far. So I drop down to 6f and the horse won.

The point I am trying to make is that the CK is inaccurate and is off putting / disheartening for people new to league racing trying to trial good horses to upload to their league stable.

I don't know what general consensus is but your thoughts would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,


Author:  The Duke [ Sun May 09, 2010 10:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Alot of it comes down to the difference in pace between your specific CK and the horses that run in the league.

There will also be a difference in quality which added to the difference in pace would attribute to these differences.

Author:  jonesy619 [ Sun May 09, 2010 10:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I havent got any horses in the league this season, so im going off what SO3 was like.

I always felt that league races are all run at a really strong pace, therefore a horse which you think stays a mile in the CK might not be able to stay the trip as well in the league due to the pace of the race in the league being more ferocious than your CK kit.

A horse i entered into the league was a horse who forced the pace over a mile in my CK and won quite alot... yet in the league he'd weaken rapidly in the final furlong, so i tried him over 7 furlongs and he won a couple.

I always felt horses whos ideal distance were 1 mile 1 furlong were better over 1 mile in the league than horses whos ideal distance were 1 mile.

Just my opinion of course.

Author:  N3W_APPR0ACH [ Sun May 09, 2010 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Whats ck?

Author:  SuperCat [ Sun May 09, 2010 1:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Construction Kit. Where you can create races to trial all your best exported horses in the game. Click 'Race Builder' on the main screen when SO loads and you'll get to it.

Author:  N3W_APPR0ACH [ Sun May 09, 2010 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cheers SuperCat, i though it was that but wasnt sure, im gawnna upload a horse to league this week for the first time, hes a machine called Rupesh so look out haha

Author:  anubisrich [ Sun May 09, 2010 6:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

1) It's not your horse not staying the distance, it's other horses finishing stronger.
2) League CK nerfs the times slightly in order to make more of a difference at the finish (otherwise you'd get loads of sht hd finishes).

You must also trial properly. Running your best 10 horses is not the same as a league race where there will be better and worse horses so you too need a mix of good and bad as well as hold up/pacemaking horses.

There's also the racecourse to consider and the draw.

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