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im done with this game now
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Author:  LoganGeneric [ Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  im done with this game now from world beater to useless donkey

Author:  davidharvey84 [ Sat Feb 29, 2020 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im done with this game now

You’ve got yourself an apples jade!

Author:  simpleminds [ Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im done with this game now

I had a Juvenile that won everything when it turned 5 couldn't win a Donkey race on the Sand when it got to 7 it won Grade 1 races again in Nh we in the Online League realised that the horse Matures at 7 while Juvenile Races at 3,4 are running against same age horses but when it goes out of the Juvenile and meet older horses its struggles because the horses its now racing against are more Mature you have to Train it for the future if it can Jump fences Maybe at 5 take it down the Novice Chase Route.


Author:  dragontrainer [ Sun Mar 01, 2020 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: im done with this game now

Looks like a chaser to me. Unfortunately it has already run in a novice race 3 years ago and maybe only the one race so he may not have a hcp mark. No probs find a listed or conditional race over the bigger obstacles and get a rating. I'm thinking you bought the horse as a 4yo and the AI trainer ran it in a novice chase and you decided to go the natural route, maybe should have run it in a novice chase just to get a low rating, we live and learn. To be fair if the jump side of the game was right you should still have the option of going novice chasing, on the evidence shown. You could always see if he is any good at stud as a last resort.

Not sure what the reference to Apples Jade was meant to mean. Brilliant hurdler on her day over any distance, not sure what her best distance is but it's not 2m and will she ever make a chaser? Not in my hands, she would be a brood mare and you would be lucky to ever see her again.

Author:  davidharvey84 [ Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im done with this game now

Sorry wasn’t trying to mock apples jade was just trying to highlight how a horses form can tail off. Personally I would have sent her off for a visit with Galileo.

To be fair at least they have had the balls to campaign her like a superstar rather than just try and win the mares hurdle for years

Author:  liamo1927 [ Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im done with this game now

I agree with dragontrainer. This horse would relish a fence, I've had horses who are unreal novice hurdlers, scary good and then second season facing the older horses completely flop. The only time a horse of mine went from a great novice hurdler, then had a huge injury which ruled her out of the season and then came back as a 6 yo and retained all ability and hosed up in most championship races.

For you though, I'd like to think you'd still be able to enter a novice chase as your horse never won it's original novice chase?

Go that route, and if you can't go novice chasing send it into a listed race and get a h'cap mark and then either run in handicap or if you think it has the talents, jump into graded races.

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