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Some quick questions
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Author:  Njinsky2 [ Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Some quick questions


I’m posting this again hoping to get help. I love your game, just added your Start it Mod , real new at doing this stuff. I believe it worked. I have a few questions though , I hope someone will be able to answer.

1. The UK racing doesn’t match the Irish racing example is the purses do not match Ireland’s is more up to date, and the UK racing had not too many South African options as the July handicap is missing.

2. On the Irish game there are no USA horses as all foreign horses raced in the Kentucky Derby and all of the breeder cup races, it says 0 for North America , New Zealand, Australia and Singapore. Not sure if that is correct. If I play UK the United States has horses, the only ones that do not have horses is NZ, Singapore, Spain and SA. Be cool if Brazil was in it lol

3. The purse money is lower on the UK side than the Irish side.

I appreciate any feedback thank you

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