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Author:  dixiedancing [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  RODDERS OF ARABIA

Just thought I'd throw this up for interest. I'm not sure how many of you read biographies but I've just finished reading Rodders of Arabia which is the story of "nomadic racehorse trainer" Rod Simpson.

I shouldn't think many of you have ever heard of him but his is an interesting tale of nearly, then setback upon setback and disappointment but a fair helping of intermediate success in the art of training racehorses. Probably his best winner was Bajan Sunshine in the 1983 Cesarewitch although much later, in 2009, he won a big race with Fryvolous in Dubai. Believe me, plenty happened in between and I found this an absorbing read from his tentative start-up in Epsom.

I did know the family and played football in Purley Park with his brother Barry (Curly), we didn't see much of Rod and when he started training there was of course the various work whisper but we were early 20s earning next to nothing and could barely afford a £1 bet between us. Great times!

Anyway, my daughter very kindly bought this for my Christmas and I see it is now selling at less than the cover £18.99 on Amazon.

Can I recommend it to any of you who like a good read. Now, I'm about to start on Fallon, the Biography, which my wife kindly bought me ...

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