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Author: | admin_ [ Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | BUG FIX LOG |
The latest patch is 1.055. Updated 13/11/21. Check your version number bottom left of the main game menu once the game has loaded. The update button is also bottom left. See below for a full list of historical fixes and improvements. Updating: When you launch SO7 you should get a flashing button (bottom-left) if an update is available. Click the button and the game will exit and a zip will download. Run the installer contained within the zip and install making sure you install to the same folder that you installed the main game to. POST BETA ======== 1.055 USA Claiming races 2yo eligibility changed. Now 1 run. More claimers. League mode players can now view sire stats (previous bug reintroduced as requested). 1.053 Foreign support races fix. US mode selling races now claimers with level weights. Jockey AI bend related steering mods. League mode stats now visible. Flat horses improvement/form peak curve improved. 1.051 Optimisations. Autorun/race processing speed increases. UK Showcase Ascot fix. 1.050 Group Handicap trainer race entry AI fix. Possible rare menu crash fix 1.049 News reporting related (rare) crash fix. Bookmaker improvements regarding evaluating horses with certain form profiles. 1.048 Race calc fix for very sharp tracks. Possible (rare) gallop crash fix. 1.047 Foreign jumps trainer count bug fixed. Betting market sometimes corrupted. Fixed. Possible corrupted AI trainer horse breeding index check/fix Season flat champ horse calc bug fixed. Pace Jockey AI mods/fix relating to momentum and potential. Should smooth out horse progress during a race a little possibly improving consistency slightly. Possible (rare) crash fix. Possible rare index corruption (maybe rare crash) at end of season fixed. 1.046 Possible memory leak fixed on imports. Sound API update (OpenAL). fix related crash on launch issues. Initial screen resolution detect fix. 1.044 Trainer mode crash fix. Old comms option (jumps calls related) fix. 1.043 Comms crash fix. 1.042 Old SO6 style comms. Occasional stutter during race fixed. Crash fix. 1.039-1.041 Skipping race. Followed horse in auction interupt fix. Disable audio speech fix. End of season possible lock up (rare) fixed. Possible Speech fix. Old style SO6 commentary integrated as a back up option in case of issues with Text-to-Speechn (rare crashes). Turn on/off in Options. 1.035-1.038 Export/licence fixes. 1.034 Void races due to 2yo field appearing too early in season. Australian ageing bugs fixed. Minor 1080 layout fix. Followed horses notification bug fixed. Easy mode. Breeding made easier for player breds. Feedback required. 1.033 Revert to backup fix. Game settings corruption possible. Fixed. 1.032 Minor layout tweak. Trainer menu. Followed horse - high priority fix. Race sequence. Pre-race card scrolling display spacing improved + form string added. Formcard. Date and card no. added where required. Nationality changed on rename fixed. Trainer name bug fixes (UK, USA). 1.031 Race history player horse entry bug (in race on same day) fixed. Bend (wide) penalties reduced slightly. Minor jockey AI tweaks to help with runners stuck very wide and better awareness of stick to rail order. Minor Jockey AI pace tweaks. 1.030 Licence check. Exports will be disabled if there is a licence conflict. This should stop the user losing all their exports (HDB file) when a conflict occurs. Players should not use more than one licence or have the web and Steam build both installed or use save files or exports from a third part. Any of these three could cause a licence conflict. Possible fix for shader related racecourse crash on some machines. 'N'otes option added to some breeding screens. Stallions retired to stud that are followed by the player will generate a notification email. 1.029 Export licence conflicts small log file created in SAVES: EXPORT_ERR.txt 4th position kit race fix. Yearlings display fix (multi yearlings of same name). 1.028 Kit. Duplicate horses (of different ages) may now compete in kit races. Game races minor pace mod. Kit. Pacifier effect added (previously there was no effect and game horses that required a pacifier would not be penalised in kit races). Nag added to export screen reminding players that non league mode game horses cannot be entered into online league. 1.027 Showcase file. 'C' now referes to male horse that has not been gelded. Fixes issue with older horses race entries. Late season. More 3youp handicaps and less 4youp. 1.024-1.026 Kit fixes. Possible active horse indexing bug fixed. Loading modded game over new code. Crash fixed. Colts becoming Stallions at 4 mostly. Now changed to 5. Group 1 winners with a form drop off more often race in lower group races. Minor mods regarding group winners entries based on recent form. More 2yo novices after July. 1.023 Kit crash fix. Lockup fix. Race sequence random stutter possible fix. Kit: Horse table delete horse line table offset fix. 1.022 Minor fix regarding foreign horses running outside their own country. Minor race announcement fix. Minor tweaks added to trainer AI to help avoid older horses getting 'lost' and never running. 1.021 Commentary. Some items not getting spoken. Speaker can now be interrupted speech depending on speech item priority. Owner mode open day related crash fix. Owner mode trainer menu layout fix. 1.020 Figure-eight racecourse AI fixes. Some course maps missing fixed. Options. Code select bullet bug fixed. Horses sometimes getting pulled up in error. Mainly bunched fields. Fixed. 1.019 Easy mode (Non league games) Breeding algoithm modified (easier). Also iOS. Breeding - preffered distance spread tweaks/minor fix. Minor mods relating to foreign horse quality. 1.018 Replay crash fix. 1.017 Diary/race history fix. 1.016 Slow-down fix. 1.015 Void race fix. 1.013-1.014 Warning added to sales relating to breeding horses where player does not own breeding facilities. Jumps game. Stallion retirement bug fix (early five or six seasons). Possible (rare) crash related to jockey feedback post race fixed. <EXTFIELDSPEC> fix for local feature races. iOS fixes. 1.012 Horse race entry button (horse data screen) not working - fixed. Horse highlight during race sometimes missing. Fixed. Maximum vehicles now 5 (from 3). 1.011 Save game backup process mod. Pre-season auction fix. Pre season auction player horses bug fixed. Horse names data leak fixed. 1.010 Memory leaks/issues fixed. Physics engine - race related leaks fixed. Kit: Significant memory leak relating to exported lineage. Fixed. Kit: Exports Lineage now limited to 6 generations. Fixes HDB file sizes. Kit: Possible lineage related crash fixed. TAB fixed in betting shop. 1.009 Additional checks put in place in the event of trying to saved a corrupted game neither the backup or main save will be overwritten in the event of a crash. Memory leaks fixed. Could have caused memory issues after extended play. Bug resulting in horses displayed in wrong position during race fixed. 1.008 Minor progression tweaks (flat related only). 1.007 Extra verification regarding league play games status. 1.006 Possible bug in backup process under certain conditions. Fixed. Kit racecard bug resulting active game buttons. Fixed. 1.005 Jockey (UK) name fix. Trainer AI mod (first run of season) - listed races. Checks to avoid possible invalid stallion breeding reference related crash. Adjustments to aging profile (flat vs jumps). Retirement code minor adjustments. 1.001-1.004 Betting shop mode crash fix. Checks reduced to avoid mods crashes. Missing globe buttons image stable menu crash fix. Stats crash fixed. Stats missing maturity rate fix. Mental state can be reported wrongly (icon). Fixed. Minor trainer entry AI fix (combined). Top horses filter (sex) fix. BETA: ==== 0.152 Prep race (new code) related crash fixed. Options (new game) screen. Silks selection image corruption fix. Breeding status on tables now sortable. Sort proxies fixed or added to average breeding dist. fields. 0.151 Race kit bug fixed. Race kit init code improved. 0.150 Game data object (primary) summary data added to finance screen. Mainly for debugging and modders use. PRESS 'D' to toggle. Bug fix resulting in start game lockup relating to modded trainer data files. Back/quit button fixed. Breeding Mares table now returns correct sort on returning to screen. AI mods to allow some horses (mainly 2yo and 3yo) to drop in class slightly on first run of season. Horse data screen jockey feedback icon fixed. DATA UPDATE: UK: Trainer and jockeys updated based on recent stats (and some extras). Please report any problems. Only applies to games started after patching. AUS: Trainer and jockeys (flat) updated based on latest stats. Please report any problems. Only applies to games started after patching. IRE: Some trainer and jockey updates. FR: new + updated jockeys. USA: No trainer and jockey changes. These items are intended to be entirely fictitious and will not be changed due to legal reasons. Users may edit files manualy. 0.148-0.149 AI optimisations to speed up autoruns etc. Some extra lower handicaps replacing maiden races with field problems (not 2yo). Possible lock up end of first season (usualy jumps) related to no Stallions available fixed. Bug related to withdrawing prepped horses (if required) fixed. Prep horse suplimented for race without considering current declarations and conflicts. Fixed. Disance and race value now considered. 0.147 Win table icon wrong (introduced last patch) fixed. maxruns and maxwins fix. 0.146 Handicapping tweaks primary regarding Novice and Maiden runners. Lower ratings for poor performances. Feedback required. Form book fix to allow correct browsing after returning from horse data screen. maxruns and maxwins work with 0. Layout bug on race card (occasional large gaps) fixed. Breeding (global) Stud screen. Progeny group wins fixed. Past performances (horse data) table jockey feedback icon fix. Start year changed to 2020. 0.145 Possible memory error related to placing bets (race menu) fixed. Player horse entry not allowed from race menu sub branch. Fixed. More AI chages regarding 2/3 yo group winners and 3yo runners. Lineage display bug where Lineage appears off screen fixed. Check for expired breeding related horse objects. May stop occasional crash related to messages some are getting. 0.143 Your Stud screen. Now option to list Stallions by offspring data rather than individual. Some options are not available on the new table in 1024x768 screen mode. Trainer AI changes regarding 2yo group performers back in handicaps. 0.142 Player recieving breeding offer from themselves. Fixed. League masters build additions. 'Hide stats' option now only hides detailed stats. Basic stats are now visible on horse data screen. Listbox back on home page to filter flat/jumps horses. Repeat breeding bullet not working. Fixed. Repeat breeds are now (fee / 2). 1024x768 screen layout fixes. Minor early race pace tweak (constructed races only). Feedback. 0.141 Trainer ranking fix. Possible race sequence related memory leak fixed. Old injuries listed as current fixed. Some Injuries not recorded in historical store fixed. <EXTFIELDSPEC> fixes. Use sparingly and with care - possible walk overs. AI changes for trainer horse entry (regarding prepped horses). Possible breeding fix relating to pref distance spread - feedback. 0.140 1024 x 768 screen mode layout fixes. Flat Novice race eligibility changes to reflect BHA: Not won more than 2 flat races. Not won class 1 race. Not won more than 2 class 2 races. (3yo up) winner with >= 3 excluded. 0.139 Interupt skip on SALE (tommorow) added. Bullet on SALES screen. More trainer AI horse entry tweaks (regarding 2 and 3yo). Bug where horse with one run get's underestimated and a minimum rating after season start despite form. fixed. 0.137 Age sort proxy fix for main home menu and training menu tables. Minor horse trainer entry AI tweaks regarding lightly raced horses. Horse breed data store bug fixed. 0.135-0.136 League mode transfer fix. 0.134 Prize money displayed on form card header. Speech alerts sometimes not playing in menus fixed. League mode option added at game start (maybe sure bullet is checked). Only HRS files exported from this mode will be allowed in any online league. League mode changes. No Transfer options. More predictable breeding model (feedback). Top Sire fix (Your stud). Based on AEI. Potential bar added to horse data summary screen. League mode (BETA): Breeding changes (more predictable). League mode: Detailed stats currently hidden. 0.132-0.133 Trainer AI. Stallion retirement trainer now considers AEI. Table fix where holding slider can activate field click fixed. Context button added to certain sales screens. Horse data layout bug fixed. League related changes: HRS file missing Lineage fix. League masters build fixes. Internal horse export changes. Folder change: individual league export (hrs) files now stored in 'exports/leagueHorses' folder. Create race screen fixes. This patch contains a number of changes to the HDB export file. If you have lot's of exports you may wan't to manualy backup this file before installing this patch. 0.131 Bug stopping dual racceourse variation fixed (mainly USA). 2yo records not getting registered in all-age races - fixed. Only works for races completed after patch instalation. 0.130 Av-breed distance display fixed in kit. Breeding period now 7 days (from 14). Sort proxy fix on training screen. Bug causing crash on load with modded game fixed. Fix works for games after they have been saved at least once from v0.130. 0.129 Kit init fix. HDB file backup name bug fix. Possible bug relating to deleted HDB files cause by closing game window (rather than using quit button) fixed. Fix for horse entry kit corruption. 0.128 Breeding Tab (from trainer Data) now retains parents tabs (navigation fix). Auction layout fix. 2yo auction. Horses default to selected on auction list. Button zone bug during race sequence fixed. 0.127 Old school race sequence layout changes and bigger viewing area. More view buttons. Paddock screen fix. Possible save game vanishing fix. Back button fix (end of season). Table - last highlight line bug fix. Races added: Troll House Stud Mares Hurdle (Chelt). Minor schedule (UK) tweaks. Minor handicapping tweaks (flat Novice). Flat novice races. No runners with more than 2 wins. 0.126 1080 layout fix. 0.125 MODDERS ONLY: Option to convert custom (Microsoft X format) 3D objects for use in the game. View the readme in the 'X' folder. Memory overrun fixed. Missing racecourse diagram (course screen) added. Feature race purses increased by an average of 20% to bring values up to date. UK Flat and jumps schedules prize money updates. UK Flat and jumps showcase and schedule updates. See ... 34&t=18373 for schedule updates. 0.124 AEI calcs on breeding screen cached daily to speed up navigation. Horse portraits. If no specific modded horse portrait then old so6 mod method used. Edit file 'db/horsePortImagesCount.txt' to change the image count for each colour. 0.122 . 0.123 Offspring fix. Lockup fix. 0.121. Changes to accommodate AUS and USA jumping user mod courses and schedules. Report any issues. Minor course screen duplication fix. Possible crash fix regarding local code racecourse count (modders) fixed. Stallion fees ( Aei related bug fixed). May take a while to filter through in current games. Field (out to grass) layout fix. Trainer home screen 1080 table fix. Two user modded Australian jumps courses added (primarily for mod schedule testing): Warrnambool and Oakbank. Dummy AUS combined schedule added. This contains the flat schedule setup for a combined game. Testing only. Patch 0.120: Importing horse into AUS game age bug. Fixed. Transfer in bug (AUS game) fixed. Resulted in false declarations + crash. Lineage diagram. Male/female order flipped. Minor tweaks to spread of US turf/dirt races. Incorrect Legends defaulting at game start fixed. Patch 0.119 Vide setting getting reset on launch fix. Patch 0.117-0.118 Option to rename 2yo horses even if not owned. Training screen minor layout fix. Further trainer retirement ai tweaks. Tabs on main trainer menu are now sticky. Usefull for defaulting to a screen other than the summary. Auction fix. Log changes (debug). LEFT-SHIFT while launching to reset video settings. Hold LEFT-SHIFT and right click SO7 and launch (while still holding). Owner email fix. 0.116 Auction fixes. Further trainer retirement ai tweaks. 0.115 Hold L-Shift while closing SO7 game window to disable autosaving. Changes to autosave code to avoid a possible rare crash when reloading. Further trainer retirement ai tweaks. Auction bugs resulting in no bids for certain horses fixed. Please continue to report any issues. 0.114 Global achievements added (Steam build only). Mouse wheel now active during race (view mode) for zoom. Also hold L-Shift + wheel to adjust view up/down. AEI sort proxy fixes. Text formatting added (players cash total on header only). Improves readability. Possible horse transfer in data corruption fix. Autosave if closing window fixed (rather than exiting the game via the quit button). Trainer retirement ai tweaks. 0.113 Possible jockey feedback bug fix (jumps feedback on flat). Offspring summary page fixes. Course data records. Player icon added. 0.112 Breeding data. Stakes winners/runners percentage fix. Minor layout fix (combined schedule). Apprentices fix. 0.111 Further triple crown achievement fixes (relatign to foreign triple crown achievements). Minor combined schedule mode layout fix (horse data screen). 0.110 AI Owner mode (combined schedule) crash fix. Current games (of this mode) may need restarting. Achievements (Derby and National) fix. USA triple crown fix. 0.109 AEI includes expired horses. Gallops head lad email. Distance, finishing position and winning time added to email content. 0.108 Stud fees can vary throughout the season (based on AEI changes). 'Senior Hero' achievement added. AEI jumps bug fix. Bug introduced resulting in races over 10f for 2yo fixed. Minor tweeks to breeding algorithm. 0.107 Minor maturity related tweaks. Horse data offspring list containing bad horse names and wrong offspring count. Fixed. Option to include expired horses in offspring list. Offspring list scroll bar now sticky. Stallion 'Money won' field replaced by progeny 'Avg. Earnings'. Sortable. Tool tips fixed (breeding related). Stud AEI added. Currently updates once every seven days. Check? 0.106 Minor kit race tweak. Stallion Progeny stats view now Winners rather than total wins/run. Wins sorted by percentage not number. Also for Stakes wins/runs. AEI introduced. Above changes carried onto offspring page (horse data). 0.105 Legends starting date fix. Option to set non local trainer count. Add trainers and stables if required to data files and then manualy add a [sec_trainers_max] tag to the schedule header for nationalites you wish to change in this format. Eg: [sec_trainers_max]fr=20,ger=15,uae=15 Jockey count. Same as trainers (above). [sec_jockeys_max]. Report any issues. Minor schedule (non feature) tweaks. 0.104 Minor mods regarding stayers (maturity) News/mail icon now also on training menu. Gallops take the reins bug fix. NHF and Juvenile races now restricted to 2m for realism. Trainer entry AI realism mods. Please report any adverse affects. Start game menu crash when exiting game and changing start schedule. Nationality spread issues on starting a new game (after loading a previous game) fixed. This could cause a number of issues for games started after loading another game using a different schedule. Mod's regarding horse tactical preferences spreads. 0.103 Maiden/Novice race distance spread mods. Schedules. The [pool] hidden hard caps have been removed (11000 jumps, 14000 flat and 20000 combined). Make sure you have enough trainers in the game otherwise the game won't start. Breeding indicator (distance) bug fix. Minor tweaks regarding foreign runner numbers in local feature races. Todays race details (on main home menu) going now displayed. 0.102 More early season 2yo maidens and Novice races resulting in more 2yo ratings. Possible maiden fix (jumps). 0.101 Secondary nationality mods (jumps). Breeding/retirement AI mods regarding Stallions (flat and jumps). Trainer data. Sorts fixed for owned horses table. Followed horse list. Declaration bug fixed. Minor tweaks regarding unraced 2yo and 3yo race entry AI. 0.100 Potential lock-up on race card view at new season fixed. Handicapping. Foreign non feature adjustments. Minor breeding (potential spread) mods. Foreign supporting races. Handicaps removed. Trainer retirement AI tweaks for foreign horses. Prize money on race card header. 0.099 Breeding issues with mares and yearling pools. Improved. Minor mods relating to immature horses + foreign runners. Legends can now enter game (auto-run years) + 100. Click once to increase year. Hold L-Shift and click to increase 10 years. Jumps game. Lack of foreign 3yo horses fixed. Multi jockey feedback display fix. Minor layout fix trainer menu multi race runners. 0.098 Paddock string fix. Possible odds glitching fix. List box crash fix. Gallops selection bug fixed. Mods. 3D courses do not have to be copied to mods folder fix. 0.096-0.097 Secondary Nat jockeys increased. Fix. Data error. USA showcase file TORONTO reference removed. Toronto racecourse fix. Keyboard entry bug fixed (main trainer menu only). Bath racecourse corruption fix. Yearling table and top stallions table remember pos/sort fix. Some trainer AI mods regarding feature novice races. Minor trainer AI mods regarding higher rated handicappers. Horse data screen (combined schedules). Context is no longer auto-set based on horses record. Breeding. Yearlings table. Context button now works (combined schedules). Potential related bug fixed.. 0.095 Sales form string link not working. Fixed. Context related horse data layout fix. Race history auto entry fix. MOD folder now available. Care - in progress. See Instructions and forum. Every modded file should now be in a sub folder of MODS folder. SO6 > SO7 conversion. SO6 files now need to be copied to mod/@so6convert folder. See instructions for more information. Owned horses table (Stable/home menu) scroll position now retained after skip. Horse entered for auction notifier fixed. Silks referencing bug fixed. Breeding success in terms of quality now is affected by game difficulty. Minor effect only. 0.094 Further 2yo trainer race entry AI tweaks. Horse now gets a rating after two runs rather than 3. 0.093 Critical (trainer) referencing bug regarding yearlings. Fixed. Seems to cause crashes in AI owner mode. Attempts to fix current (pre 0.093) games on loading. 2yo trainer AI fixes. 0.091/0.092 Exporting same horse ok if different age. Void race (if last race of day) related crash fix. Offspring table age bug fixed. Horse data. Fluctuating primary stats fix. Starting foreign trainers. Count bug fix + numbers modified. Extra stables added for some nationalities. Improved error reporting regarding Stable allocation errors. Diary owned horses list fix. 'Take the reins' button not overriding previously stored tactic settings resulting in no jockey mode. Fixed. World map Singapore fix. World map zone and missing images fix. Legends enter the game after auto races are complete. Legends screen form link fixed. Possible freeze on game start fix. Crashes related to previous list box changes fixed. Missing update news reel on main game menu back on. Owner AI mode fixes. 0.090 Top horse table filter crash fix. Novice 2yo Trainer AI improvements. Navigation problems following betting shop race scene. Fixed. 0.089 Owner mode import crash fix. Export to pool check fix. Starting horses form not available. Fixed. 2 achievements added. Win the derby and win the Grand National. Breeding related crash when viewing horses in foal. Fixed. 0.088 Expired horses (horse data) now retain group winner icon. Fix for horse imports. Multiplayer mode fix. Multiplayer player reference bug fixed. Ledgend editor. Reserve bug fixed. Owner mode layout fixes. Breeding (stud) 1080 layout fix. Numeric horse name fixed (only for new games). Combined schedule. Foreign races. Odd supporting race distance fix. Combined schedule. Minor distance spread fixes regarding certain races. 0.087 More detailed errors on horse import fail. Skip to dec fix + other related fixes involving horses out to grass. Legend fix. Kit crash fix. 0.085-0.086 Filter settings save fix. Breeding sort by fee fix. Jockey data file fix (SGP). Starting horses fix. One some longer game starts the player may be given a gelding or a horse with form. Possible lock up after long auto-run game start. fixed. 0.084 Players horses no fake form at start of game. Stable menu layout fix. Import horse. Possible game crash after import dies. Fixed. New games. Players horses distributed from first day of game resulting in correct ages. Older horses breeding quality improvement/fix. Will only take effect for parents born after this patch. Juvenile maturity mods/fixes. 0.083 Training screen. (C)lear button now clears all. Auction layout fix (selected resolutions). Preferred distance corruption (primarily US mode) resulting in crashes. Fixed. Note that horses in existing game may still have this issue until replaced (though crashes are fixed). Trainer menu. Runners today displayed even if horse table display selected. Jockey orders store fix. 0.082 Player getting gifted random horses. Fixed. Further breeding tweaks. Legends screen layout fix. Mods relating to trainer AI (feature race entry rating related). On-going. 0.081 1024 layout fixes. Moving horse to main stable. In some cases the stable will auto extend if no room. This fixes problems related to moving new horses into the stable at year end when no room. Each stable expansion is charged individualy so better to make room before the new horses are due. Retire to stud greyed out if stable is maxed out bug. Fixed. Minor breeding mod relating to offspring quality. 'In-foal to' horse data text now active/clickable. 0.080 Backup and revert fix. Minor trainer/home layout fix. Input box scroll fix. Stud message fix. Minor race mods relating to front runners and tactical preferences. Betting shop race view: Raise and lower camera. HOME and END keys. 0.079 Crash on trainers owned horses (training options) table fixed. Individual players horse tactics (set on race menu) not getting used. Fixed. Couple of minor home menu layout fixes. Breeding sort proxy fix. Input box zone fix. 0.078 Potential crash related to tipsters. Multiple breeding fee deductions fixed. Jockeys not getting booked in advance. Fixed. 0.077 Set day offset (to change the day of week). Add controll line at top of schedule file: '[dayoffset]?' where x = 1-6. Base start year to 2019. Quick save 's' added to race menu. Possible crash on loading (related to tipsters) fixed. Horses in foal table sort fixed. Horse data navigation no longer reverting to empty tabs. 0.076 Transfer horse fixes for problem introduced 0.075. 0.075 Gallops selection problems when horses out to grass fixed. Breeding horse purchase fees not getting deducted fixed. Horse race declarations. Layout changed to retain horse list. Expand horse list toggle button added to horse race declarations page. Horse race declarations filter bugs fixed. Horse race declarations Cancel button clears selected horse even if accessed via specific horse selection. Geldings retired for breeding fix. UK Jumps showcase file missing races fixed. Option to toggle between trainers summary and owned horse list on main stable/home menu (not available in 1024x768 mode). Installer now able to install to other drives (only for fresh installs). Tipsters back in. Notes fix. 0.074 Minor breeding tweaks. Horse name entry 'l' bug fixed. TRANSFERS active. Care! See updated instruction document for details. Players trainer data screen bugs related to horses out to grass fixed. Claiming weight entry (advance decs) fixed. Possible auction related crash fix. Possibly stud crash fix. Retired player stallions bug fixed. Gallops injury adjustments. 0.073 Auction career/season record display fix. Advance decs. Field and sort selection fixes. Log.txt fixed. Now in MyDocuments > startersorders7 folder. Email in if problems launching. Breeding changes relating to offspring quality spreads. Possible fix for Stewards crash. Race age reference bug fixed. All previous featureRaces_jumps.db and featureRaces_flat.db are invalid and replaced via the patch. 0.072 End of season (skip racing) crash fixed. Crash moving horse out of breeding barn fixed. Head lad comms crash on tab click for summary horse object (retired). Jockey feedback/stable jockey related crash bug fix. 0.071 Lineage male/female backs fixed (pink/blue). Deleting a demo game now stops it re-apearing even if game has no admin rights. (Stud) Stallion mare offer email names wrong. Fixed. More auction fixes. Sales page lockups (yearlings) fixed. Transfers tab removed until some issues are resolved. 0.070 Day sync problem addressed. Causes various crashes related to horse declaration corruption. Novice races removed from us schedule. Foreign support races reintroduced. Foreign horses on form card flag added. 0.069 Foreign supporting races removed untill the cause of the crash bug can be identified. Disable audio now works. 0.068 Take the reins (gallops) fix. Possible horse declaration corruption (resulting in crash) fix. Related to foreign supporting races. Games can be continued but please report if this continues. Stable jockey text over-run fix. 0.067 Auction related crash fix. Deleting save slot now deletes demo games completely (must be running AS ADMIN). Speech alerts flag not working on race screen fixed. 0.066 Lockup on Legends screen fixed. Gallops take the reins crash fix and layout fix. 'Followed horses' crashes fixed. This would in effect stop the game progressing past a certain point once a followed horse retired or died. Trainer data - Followed horse page layout fixes. Auction bug fix. Transfer tab back in (care). Kit delete horse crash fix. 0.065 Cash reset to 80k fixed. Jockey mode wrong horse/missing jockey head fix. Top horses crash fixed. |
Author: | admin_ [ Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:33 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: BUG FIX LOG |
Starters Orders 7 is now considered out of the BETA release stage. What does this mean? Nothing really. The game will continue to be updated and any new issues fixed. It's more an indication of application and sim stability. |
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