Strategic Designs Ltd., forums |
Known issues and solutions |
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Author: | admin_ [ Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Known issues and solutions |
Desktop scaling issues. Getting a blank or corrupt window on launch. Right click on desktop and select DISPLAY SETTINGS. Under SCALE AND LAYOUT make sure it's set to 100% Audio start-up problems. Some audio hardware and/or drivers can cause start-up issues. Try right clicking on the speaking your task bar. Select OPEN SOUND SETTINGS. Under OUTPUT try changing your output device. Unable to download update. If the update does not show have you copied an old game version over a new one? If so this can cause problems. Uninstall the game and reinstall. The button shows but the browser does not launch or the update won't install etc: Try a different default browser. Make sure you are logged in to Windows with full admin privileges. Clear your browsers downloads location and try again. 'Cannot find import; DLL may be missing: VCOMP120DLL' Error when running SO7. You need to download a Microsoft update and install it: ... x?id=40784 If you are on Windows (64bit) then you should install the vcredist_x64.exe option. If you are on Windows (32bit) then you should install the vcredist_x86.exe option. Losing your horse exports. if you lose your exports immediately quit and browse the saves folder. There should be a hdb_?.bak (backup) file. Rename that to hdb_?.db. Poor performance. Systems with dedicated GPU's AND integrated graphics: If you are having performance issues and have a dedicated video card that is more than capable (Geforce 9 series or above) your system may not be utilising your dedicated GPU and instead defaulting to on board video. Hit 'F' during a race for the frame rate. It should not drop below 60. It is possible to force the app to use the correct GPU. |
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